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类型:剧情 更新时间:2005-01-01
地区:美国 导演:理查德·沃莫斯
人物:艾里克·格兰哈特 萨宾·克拉佩兹
简介:Karl Lubeck is Munich. The city's heart... soul... streets... all run together like blood in his veins. He's a gumshoe... a dick... a private eye in the mold of those great 40's movie detectives. But unfortunately, Karl Lubeck has seen better days. After his wife is murdered, Karl loses his fire and disappears into underground Munich. He resurfaces as a hired snoop for, Earth Now, a radical ecology group. Enter the beautiful and mysterious secret agent Petra Schmitt. She hires Karl to find her missing sister and Karl soon finds himself drawn into a world of half-truths and lies as his simple missing-person case develops into a murder case that quickly becomes international in scope. Petra and Karl must work together in order to thwart Petrov, a cold-blooded gangster, who will kill anyone who gets in his way. While fighting to save themselves, they must prevent Petrov from getting a stolen computer chip containing the international banking codes for the new Euro. In ...